NISH (Harderground Recordings)
98年イギリス ALIEN TRAXからのデビューを皮切りに、国内、海外のダンスレーベルから100曲を超えるトラックを次々と発表し続けるプロデューサー兼DJ。
2001年にはUKの「WAX Magazine」誌においてBest New Comerを受賞。03年に発表した2ndアルバム「EUPHORIDE」は国内のみならず、海外ではTIDY TRAXから独占販売され話題となる。04年には自身のレーベル『HARDERGROUND RECORDINGS』を立ち上げ、16枚のシングルと3枚のアルバムを発表。初のライブ・レコーディングとなった3rdアルバム「RAVERAID -LIVE @ ULTRA PUMPIN'-」はNISHの人気を決定付けた名盤として語られている。更に06年には国内外のトップアーティスト達とのコラボレーション・アルバム「HARDERGROUND CONNECTIONS」、08年には「HARDERGROUND CONNECTIONS 2」をリリース。その中で一際注目された「BLUE SUNSHINE」は、日本のみならずヨーロッパのレーベルにも数多くライセンスされ世界中のクラウド達を興奮させることとなった。また、そのSEAN TYASによるREMIXは、Tiesto、Armin、Ferry Corstenらの各ラジオショーでON AIRされ、多数のチャートで1位を獲得するという快挙を成し遂げた。
国内においては、浜崎あゆみ、OVERHEAD CHAMPIONらのREMIX、Konamiのビート・マニアへの楽曲提供、またavexの野外フェスティバル「a-nation」のテーマ曲を手がけるなど、クラブシーンや音楽業界において確固たる地位を確立した。
LIVEアーティストとしても知られる彼は、「VINYLIZE」、「FANATIC」のレジデントを中心に、UKのダンスフェスティバル「TIDY WEEKENDER」や「GIGA」等のビッグパーティーへのゲスト出演も果たしている。
NISH (Harderground Recordings)
Since his 1998 debut under the U.K. label Alien Trax, NISH has published over 100 tracks for both domestic and international releases, and continues blazing ahead with his prolific career as a producer and DJ.
NISH made his impact in the scene early on, and in 2001 was crowned "Best New-Comer" by the U.K.'s Wax Magazine. In 2004, he kicked things up a notch by launching his own label, Harderground Recordings, under which he then released 16 singles and 3 albums. His first live recording, Raveraid - Live @ Ultra Pumpin', was the third of these albums and is widely regarded as the recording which secured his popularity in the club scene. Furthermore, 2006 saw the release of Harderground Connections, an album of NISH's collaborations with some of the top domestic and overseas artists, and in 2008 came the follow-up album, Harderground Connections 2. Among the tracks in this collection was the stunning "Blue Sunshine," a tune which shook dancefloors across the globe as it was licensed and published by numerous European labels in addition to its release in Japan. The remix by Sean Tyas was played by Tiesto, Armin Van Buuren, and Ferry Corsten on their respective radio shows, sending "Blue Sunshine" soaring to the #1 spot on countless charts.
NISH's domestic releases include a variety of other works, including the theme song for avex's massive outdoor music festival "a-nation," tracks for Konami's "Beat Mania," as well as remix work for Japanese pop superstar Ayumi Hamasaki. On the overseas front, NISH's productions have been released by labels such as Tranzlation, Tetsuo, Redux, and CGI, and he has established himself an unshakable status in both the club scene as well as the music industry.
As a live artist, NISH is primarily known for his residency at events such as "Vinylize" and "Fanatic," as well as for his guest performances at larger-scale events including the U.K. dance festival "Tidy Weekender" and YOJI's "GIGA."
NISH is currently continuing on full-force as both a DJ and a creator, and is truly Japan's representative Hard Dance total producer.