Swartz & Schulner - A Bit Of 8
Nish Remix
NTR Red (UK)
UKのTech Dance DJ 「Neal Thomas」 が主宰するレーベルNTR Redの第8作目「Swartz & Schulner - A Bit Of 8」をNishがリミックス! 80年代の8bitゲームのサウンドを使った、ピコピコ・テック・チューン!
8 BIT MADNESS! This is the 8th single release from NTR RED and as a blast back to the sounds of the computer games we loved as a kid, mixed with the freshness of tech dance from the future! A BIT OF 8 is a track by Dutch duo SWARTZ & SCHULNER! Robin & Jowie have been making waves over the past few years, showing their versitility by producing Hard Dance, Trance, Techno, Tech House and much more. The remix is by Japanese Tech legend NISH! Nish has been around for years, DJing all around the world including being flown over especially for the World Famous Tidy Weekenders a few years back. We asked Nish to remix this as wew thought his style would complient the track perfectly and we were right! PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND LEAVE FEEDBACK, YOUR OPINION IS IMPORTANT TO US! Best wishes, The NTR Team.